netcdf UGRID/ { dimensions: nMesh2_node = 3738; nMesh2_face = 4626; Three = 3; level = 15; time = UNLIMITED; // (3 currently) variables: int Mesh2; :cf_role = "mesh_topology"; :long_name = "topology data of 2D unstructured mesh"; :topology_dimension = 2; // int :node_coordinates = "Mesh2_node_x Mesh2_node_y"; :face_node_connectivity = "Mesh2_face_nodes"; int Mesh2_face_nodes(nMesh2_face=4626, Three=3); :cf_role = "face_node_connectivity"; :long_name = "Maps every triangular face to its three corner nodes"; :start_index = 1; // int :units = "1"; float Mesh2_node_x(nMesh2_node=3738); :standard_name = "longitude"; :long_name = "Longitude of 2D mesh nodes"; :units = "degrees_east"; float Mesh2_node_y(nMesh2_node=3738); :standard_name = "latitude"; :long_name = "Latitude of 2D mesh nodes"; :units = "degrees_north"; float level(level=15); :units = "m"; :standard_name = "depth"; :description = "bottom of vertical layers"; :axis = "Z"; :positive = "down"; float total_depth(nMesh2_node=3738); :units = "m"; :standard_name = "sea_floor_depth_below_sea_surface"; :description = "total depth at nodes"; double time(time=3); :units = "seconds since 1998-01-01 00:00:00 UTC"; :standard_name = "time"; :calendar = "standard"; :axis = "T"; float salinity(time=3, nMesh2_node=3738, level=15); :units = "1e-3"; :standard_name = "sea_water_salinity"; :valid_min = 0.0f; // float :valid_max = 200.0f; // float :_FillValue = -999.0f; // float float temperature(time=3, nMesh2_node=3738, level=15); :units = "degC"; :standard_name = "sea_water_temperature"; :valid_min = -10.0f; // float :valid_max = 100.0f; // float :_FillValue = -999.0f; // float // global attributes: :Conventions = "CF-1.6, UGRID-1.0"; :title = "Vistula lagoon - hydrodynamics and T/S, baroclinic - 3D"; :history = "created on 2024-08-01 18:08:30 MET"; :institution = "ISMAR-CNR, Venice, Italy"; :source = "Model data produced by SHYFEM at ISMAR-CNR"; :references = "Model info:"; :contact = "email:"; :comment = "Data restriction: for academic research use only"; }